Has your home turned into a scene of a crime? Or have you suffered an on-the-job tragedy in business? A crime scene can be very disturbing and we, at Bio Clean Inc, know how traumatic cleaning up a crime scene can be. But you can trust us, as our technicians are well-trained to handle any type of cleanup needs, be it an emergency crime scene cleanup, blood sanitation, or meth lab cleanup; our crime scene cleaners are adept at handling any emergency situations. Our team of technicians gets training at regular intervals to stay updated on the latest technologies. Often crime scenes leave behind unpleasant memories, our workers, using the best quality sanitizers, will clean up the property and discreetly remove any reminders from the scene. BCI proudly offers cleanup services around Bellingham, Olympia WA, Renton, Seattle, Tacoma, and Washington.
Below we have mentioned a few services that we have to offer in our cleaning services. Have a look.
- Vandalism
Ensuring safety in the neighborhood is our priority. BCI will always volunteer to clean up after any type of vandalism whether it takes place in your personal property or in a public area.
- Usage of Tear Gas
If tear gas was sprayed in the crime scene, it can cause irritation to the skin and open wounds. Tear gas leaves behind a residue that causes the burning. Out crew reaches the spot and starts the decontamination process by removing the remaining residues.
- Holding Cell
A holding cell is a place where a lot of heated discussions or actions take place. Thus there might be quite an amount of blood or bodily fluids everywhere which our experienced crew can clean up in a jiffy.
- Vehicle Decontamination
A suspect while being transported can leave behind different types of bodily fluids at the back seat of your police vehicle which can be dangerous for the next detainee to enter your car. Our cleaners use the most effective enzyme detergents to clean up instead of just using bleach to clean the area.
To experience our impeccable service, do get in touch with us. We would be happy to help.